Avoid These Title Mistakes To Get The Best Seo Results

You have a lot of work to do if you want to capture valuable search traffic and direct it to the right resources on your website. To make necessary strategy adjustments, you must develop a solid strategy, implement it effectively, consult Ottawa SEO Company to stay up to date on the latest algorithm updates.

Don't forget to keep the rest of your business running and to ensure that you can properly serve the leads and prospects generated by your rankings. Remember that if you don't have a good inbound marketing strategy in place to convert that traffic into leads, your rankings won't be very valuable.

Ottawa SEO Company

  • No Title

There are a lot of websites that don't have a title tag or use a default title like "Untitled Document." Try searching Google for "untitled document" and you won't believe the millions of results that come up. Lack of a Title Because search engines display your title> tag in their search results, not having one — or having one that isn't meaningful — makes it difficult for search engines to find and index your pages.

Page titles provide context for a web page. It informs a web robot, such as Google's search spider, about the topic of the web page.

  • Too Long Or Too Short Page Title

Even though this is not a major issue, short page titles limit a page's ability to rank for multiple keywords. Why not take advantage of the fact that Google, for example, can display up to 70 characters in their search engine results page (SERP)? But don't go overboard.

Remember that the more keywords in the title, the more diluted they become. Having too many keywords in the page title, while visible to Google, can result in the common problem of keyword cannibalization (which we will talk about next). The terms that appear first in the title will be given greater weight.

  • Using Of Identical Or Similar Titles

This occurs when a page's title contains an excessive number of keywords. Keyword stuffing is an unethical tactic used by a few SEO consultants to boost their clients' search engine rankings. Because your web pages are (or should be) distinct and contain unique content, page titles should be the same. Repeating the same keywords across multiple pages, regardless of whether they are relevant to that page, will not help, for two reasons:

Irrelevant web pages may be picked up by search engines, but they will have high bounce rates because they do not convert effectively because the page is not what the searcher is looking for.

  • Including Company And Sitename In All Pages

In their SERPs, Google displays up to 70 characters from a given page title. It does see longer ones, though, and despite what many SEO professionals preach, having page titles that are longer than 70 characters isn't a big deal. Nonetheless, you must consider what should and should not be included in the title.

Many SEO Montreal website owners include their company name in the title, which can be quite long in some cases. Worse, they want their name to be the first thing that appears on every single web page.


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