How Can Voice Search Benefit Your SEO?

If you've been following the news lately, then you probably know that voice search is on the rise. In fact, many major companies like Google and Amazon have been investing in developing more advanced artificial intelligence for conversational interfaces. According to SEO Agency Ottawa, it's quite possible that we'll see a surge in voice searches in 2022 as well as 2023.

In this article, we will discuss what exactly voice search is, why it's so important to SEO now and how you can use it to get more traffic to your website. Let's get started!

  • What is voice search?

  • Voice searches are an increasingly popular way for people to interact with computers and mobile devices.
  • Voice-based interactions involve speaking commands or questions into a device that processes your speech and returns results in text or audio.
  • Keyword-based searches are still the most common type of search on the web, but voice is growing in popularity as people become accustomed to conversing with their devices.
  • However, recent advances in artificial intelligence have made speech recognition more accurate than it was even five years ago (Google says its accuracy has increased by over 100%!).
  • How does voice search impact SEO?

If you've been paying attention to the news lately, you're probably aware that voice search is on the rise. An estimated 60% of searches are now being done using voice, and this number is expected to increase in coming years.

At its core, the goal of SEO is to make it easy for people to find your website when they search online. With this in mind, then, it’s clear that voice search can be a great benefit to your SEO Ottawa efforts. Optimizing your website for voice search ensures that you’re meeting the needs of users who might otherwise miss out on your content because they don’t have time or interest in reading through pages of text on their phones or computers screens. 

SEO Agency Ottawa

If these figures have your head spinning with questions about how voice search will impact SEO—and how you should adjust your strategy accordingly—you aren't alone. But don't sweat it: With a little bit of planning and preparation, SEO Agency Ottawa suggest that you can keep pace with changing trends and remain at the top of your game.

  • Preparing to Optimize Your Website for Voice Search

Before optimizing your website for voice search, there are a few things to consider. You should first make sure that your website is mobile friendly and fast. The Google PageSpeed Insights tool can help you with this by evaluating how efficiently your site loads on different devices.

You should also optimize the user experience of your site by making sure it's easy to navigate and read, as well as providing useful content in an organized way. Some other things that may come in handy are:

  • A sitemap (a list of all pages on a given website)
  • Breadcrumbs (a navigational device that allows visitors to trace their steps back through the structure of a site)


By adopting some simple strategies like making sure all-important keywords are within an easy reach distance from one another and prioritizing other elements like titles over descriptions when necessary—or even providing an audio-only experience for those who prefer not listening as well as reading (which will likely be more common than ever before) we can ensure that our sites are optimized for both types of searches!


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